Monday, March 14, 2022

Student of the paranormal

Hello everyone, I am back with the topic of Student of the paranormal. So you may ask yourself why this topic? The answer is simple. If you have an interest in the paranormal, whether it be haunted locations, UFO's, cryptids, whatever it is, you learn about it, read books, magazines, watch TV shows, YouTube channels, listen to radio shows, and podcasts. If your like me, start your own podcast, social media is big. The paranormal community is just that a community.
The student part comes in because, that's all we really are is studying and researching, and investigating the paranormal. There may come a time when you, can share with the community, and your research and experience you will find that you become a teacher in a way, but as a teacher you are still a student.
That is why when you listen to my podcast, I take on the student/teacher/student role. I enjoy the learning as well as 'teaching' as for the teacher aspect, I feel that communication with others in the paranormal community is a way of teaching. So if you haven't already, check out xtremeparanormal on Spotify and Stitcher and Google podcasts.
Have a great everyone. We shall meet again in the next post. 

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Bio of Mike

So I want to give you a bit of myself here, so I have had paranormal experiences since I was young. I never knew what I was experiencing, so I started reading books, and trying to learn. Then after high school, I would start investigating, you know the local haunted areas around town, the local cemetery. The usual places a new investigator would go.
Then life happened, everything got put on hold. Then all the paranormal shows came on TV, I was hooked.
Now fast forward, I started listening to podcasts about 10-12 years ago, I found paranormal, and was hooked again. Research online, reading books, really diving in. Then I get the brilliant idea, of starting my own podcast. So I kicked around the idea of my own podcast for a while, I want to say about 2 years, give or take, then the opportunity hit, I started Xtreme Paranormal back in October of 2021. It's been fun, and lots of work, but a true passion for sure.
Now for future plans, I am wanting to get back into investigating real bad. That is a true passion for me. I'm open to starting a YouTube channel as well. You know baby steps. Start the podcast, then promote on social media and now my blog. I'm really shooting for the stars. If this becomes my new career, oh happy day. The potential is there for sure. So we will see if my dreams come true. 

Xtreme Paranormal

Hello there, I am Michael Xtreme, I run Xtreme Paranormal Podcast. I have decided to start this blog, with the hopes of getting a bigger audience for the podcast. I will be posting on the blog about upcoming episodes, my thoughts on other podcasts I listen to, and other paranormal topics.
So far I have 20 episodes recorded, and I am starting the research for episode 21. I'm a firm believer in sharing the other podcasts I listen to, which I will go over in another post. I plan on giving a history of myself on here as well.
So stay tuned for more information on on Xtreme Paranormal. 

Student of the paranormal

Hello everyone, I am back with the topic of Student of the paranormal. So you may ask yourself why this topic? The answer is simple. If you ...